Grow old with me; the best is yet to be      

Saturday, September 24, 2005

omg, it is as if man utd losin isn't bad enough, CHELSEA HAD TO WIN? wtf!!!!!

where are my girl friends!? damn. i'm so farkin bored, i need an all girl's outing, small talks, nice gossips. gawd, just where is everyone. ask me out!

okie, i have to get this out of my chest. i think that people with no washroom etiquette should burn in their shitholes, literally.
and i'm referring particularly to women who spit into sinks. spittin into sinks is unrefined enough, but i'm telling you, the auditory warning signals that comes before it gets to me like fark. its amazin i tell you the way people clear their throats as if they had twenty years worth of phlegm lodged up their throats. its ghastly.

stickmen love at 9:11 AM

03A22 ; Angela ; Atikk ;
Cand ; Marcus ; Pauline ;
Peishan ; Serena ; Wendy ;
Xiujuan ; Yeli